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Dear vPilots;

This LTFM airport is the 3rd airport in Istanbul and was built to replace the LTBA Ataturk Airport, which will shut down operations after 2020. It was opened on 29th October 2018 on the day of the 95th anniversary of the declaration of modern Turkish Republic.

Turkish Virtual Airlines (www.turkishvirtual.com), that operates on Vatsim, has made a cooperation among its pilots and some other virtual pilots to start flight operations on MSFS2020, P3D, FSX, FS2004 and X-plane 11/10 to LTFM at the same time with the real world operations. They took over 2 months to complete these projects, which are still being developed regularly. Thanks to the endless efforts of ...

LTFM - X-PLANE 11 v2.0 (NATURAL/FLAT) Version's Team
LTFM - MSFS 2020 Team
LTFJ - MSFS 2020 Team
LTFMv2 - P3Dv4.5 (2020) Team
Hakan DAGHAN, Kamil UZUN, Erman Gokman PILICOGLU, Muhtesem Firtina OZCINAR
Erman Gokman PILICOGLU, Kamil UZUN, Hakan DAGHAN
LTFM - X-PLANE 10 Team
LTFM - FS2004 Team
Dominik HESSE, Hakan DAGHAN
AFCAD and ADE modellings (For FSX and P3Dv4.5)
3-D modellings
Hayri BUBERCI, M. Ali OGUDUCU, Kamil UZUN, Muhtesem Firtina OZCINAR

These sceneries can be best viewed for the P3D and FSX if Orbx libraries and P3Dv4.5 SDK (Prepar3D v4 SDK is installed on your system.

LTFM Istanbul new airport sceneries for P3Dv4.5-v5, X-PLANE, FSX, FS2004, MSFS2020 and other version X-PLANE sceneries can be downloaded free of charge via down below links:

  • Turkish Virtual • Information Systems
The airport scenarios, which are available to download from our website, are "free of charge for individual users, for hobby purposes only." To earn an income, scenario owners can request a usage fee from those who use these scenarios for commercial and educational purposes !
Turkish Virtual Airlines - LTFM Sceneries (P3Dv4.5/X-PLANE/FSX)
For All X-Plane Sceneries For Turkey Region Please Visit This Link
1 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport MSFS2020 Istanbul Airport v1.9.20 H Büberci, M Öğüdücü
2 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport XPLANE11 FLAT VERSION ! M Öğüdücü, H Büberci
3 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport XPLANE11 NATURAL VERSION ! M Öğüdücü, H Büberci
4 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport XPLANE10 Istanbul Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
5 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport P3Dv4.5 Istanbul Airport Hakan DAĞHAN
6 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport FSX Istanbul Airport Hakan DAĞHAN
7 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport FSX AFCAD Only ! Hakan DAĞHAN
8 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport FS2004 Istanbul Airport D HESSE, H SCHNELL
10 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport MSFS2020 South-Facing Extension Hayri BÜBERCİ
11 LTFM IST Istanbul New Airport MSFS2024 MSFS2020 & MSFS2024 (in one) H Buberci, K Uzun, M Ali
Last Update For LTFMv1.9.20 (MSFS 2020) was 05/10/2024

Turkish Virtual Airlines - 'X-PLANE 11' and 'P3Dv4.5' Sceneries
For All X-Plane Sceneries For Turkey Region Please Visit This Link
1 LCEN ECN Ercan Airport XPLANE N. Cyprus Ercan Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
2 LTAC ESB Ankara Airport XPLANE Esenboga Int Airport BÜBERCİ, M. YUM
3 LTAC ESB Ankara Airport XPLANE Esenboga Airport v2 Hayri BÜBERCİ
4 LTAI AYT Antalya Airport XPLANE Antalya International (XPLANE11) Hayri BÜBERCİ
5 LTAI AYT Antalya Airport XPLANE Antalya International (XPLANE12) Hayri BÜBERCİ
6 LTAN KYA Konya Airport XPLANE Konya Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
7 LTAT MLX Malatya Airport XPLANE Malatya Erhac Military Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
8 LTAU ASR Kayseri Airport XPLANE Kayseri Erkilet Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
9 LTAU ASR Kayseri Airport XPLANE Kayseri E. Airport (XPLANE12) Hayri BÜBERCİ
10 LTBA IST Istanbul Ataturk XPLANE Istanbul Ataturk Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
11 LTBH CKZ Canakkale Airport XPLANE Canakkale Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
12 LTBJ ADB Izmir Airport 2020 XPLANE Adnan Menderes Airport v2 Hayri BÜBERCİ
13 LTBJ ADB Izmir Airport 2021 XPLANE Adnan Menderes Airport v3 Hayri BÜBERCİ, M ALİ
14 LTBQ KCO Izmit Airport XPLANE Cengiz Topel Air Station S KILIC, H BÜBERCİ
15 LTBS DLM Mugla Airport XPLANE Dalaman International Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
16 LTCC DIY Diyarbakir 2020 P3Dv4.5 Diyarbakir Airport Hakan DAĞHAN
17 LTCE ERZ Erzurum Airport XPLANE Erzurum Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
18 LTCN KCM Kahramanmaras XPLANE Kahramanmaras Airport K Uzun, M Ali, H Buberci
19 LTCO AJI Agri Airport XPLANE Ahmed-I Hani Airport H.B, M.A.Öğüdücü
20 LTCR MQM Mardin Airport P3Dv4.5 Mardin Airport E. PİLİÇOĞLU
21 LTDB COV Cukurova Airport XPLANE Cukurova Intl Airport (XP12) Hayri BÜBERCİ
22 LTDB COV Cukurova Airport XPLANE Cukurova Intl Airport (XP11) Hayri BÜBERCİ
23 LTFE BJV Bodrum Airport XPLANE Bodrum Milas Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
24 LTFG GZP Alanya Airport XPLANE Alanya Gazipasa Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
25 LTFH SZF Samsun Airport XPLANE Samsun Carsamba Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
26 LTFJ SAW Sabiha Gokcen v2 XPLANE Sabiha Gokcen Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
27 LTFJ SAW Sabiha Gokcen XPLANE Sabiha Gokcen (X-Plane 10) Hayri BÜBERCİ
28 LTFJ SAW Sabiha Gokcen XPLANE Sabiha Gokcen 2024 (XP12-FLAT RWY) Hayri BÜBERCİ
29 LTFJ SAW Sabiha Gokcen XPLANE Sabiha Gokcen 2024 (XP12-NEW RWY) Hayri BÜBERCİ
30 LTFJ SAW Sabiha Gokcen XPLANE Sabiha Gokcen 2024 (XP11-NEW RWY) Hayri BÜBERCİ
31 LTFL --- Kesan Airport XPLANE Kesan Military Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
32 LTFO RZV Rize Artvin XPLANE Rize Artvin Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
For all other scenery downloads, please sign in and go to 'Sceneries', under the 'Pilot Centre' or click this link !
Downloads are arranged in alphabetical order descending ICAO ... Last Update was 30/09/2024

Turkish Virtual Airlines - 'MSFS 2020 Sceneries'
For All MSFS 2020 Sceneries Please Visit This Link
1 LTAC ESB Ankara Airport MSFS2020 Esenboga Int Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
2 LTAI AYT Antalya MSFS2020 Antalya Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
3 LTAI AYT Antalya MSFS2024 Antalya Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
4 LTBA IST Istanbul Airport v0.4.0 MSFS2020 Istanbul Ataturk Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
5 LTCN KCM Kahramanmaras MSFS2020 Kahramanmaras Airport H Büberci, K Uzun, M Ali
6 LTCR MQM Mardin MSFS2020 Mardin Airport Auradesign
7 LTCV NKT Sirnak Airport MSFS2020 Serafettin Elci Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
8 LTDB COV Cukurova Airport MSFS2020 Cukurova Intl Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
9 LTFC ISE Isparta MSFS2020 Isparta Airport H Büberci, K Uzun, M Ali
10 LTFJ SAW Sabiha Gokcen MSFS2020 Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen H Büberci, M Öğüdücü
11 LTFN IPT Isparta MSFS2020 Isparta Kilic Airport H Büberci, K Uzun, M Ali
12 LTFO RZV Rize Artvin MSFS2020 Rize Artvin Airport Hayri BÜBERCİ
For all other scenery downloads, please sign in and go to 'Sceneries', under the 'Pilot Centre' or click this link !
Downloads are arranged in alphabetical order descending ICAO ... Last Update was 03/07/2024

LTFM Istanbul New Airport for X-Plane 11 v2.0 (11.30+)
Please read down below description for how to install the LTFM NATURAL VERSION.

• There are 2 options to select from: A - FLAT and B - NATURAL

I will share 2 separate packages to avoid problems for those who does not care about slopes and tunnel entrances.
As the file names are self-explanatory, I will ONLY explain installation details in depth for NATURAL version.
Select whichever you want. Both packages contain base ZL19 "airport" orthos.


Required libraries / plugins:
- BS2001 Objects Library
- CDB-Library
- TFS_Aircraft_Library
- The_Handy_Objects_Library
- MisterX_Library
- OpenSceneryX
- SAM_Library and Plugin (freeware)

If you do not already have the libraries used in this package, you may find download links in the Master Library
List: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=90776

After making sure you have all necessary libraries, proceed to INSTALLATION:
FLAT option is a FLATTENED version of the NATURAL scenery, so there are no slopes, tunnel entrances, or elevated terrain; it looks just like a dinner table. For this option you do not need to worry about "Runways follow terrain contours" setting as it will not have any affect. Simply copy the _LTFM_Istanbul_Intl_v2.0 folder from the LTFM_FLAT.zip file in your Custom Scenery folder and start X-Plane 11 and enjoy.

If you had previously installed my _LTFM_Istanbul_GWS110 NATURAL scenery along with it's overlay and ortho files you do not need to reinstall them, just unpack this new _LTFM_Istanbul_Intl_v2.0 folder and place it in your Custom scenery folder, re-arrange your scenery_packs.ini file and start your XP 11 but you still need abovementioned libraries and plugin. If not, please read further.

For NATURAL option, we had to work a lot and we still need to work further to make the scenery reflect the reality. As the default X-Plane 11 mesh and the mesh obtained during ortho creation are both very much outdated, we decided to create a "patch" for the airport area using another magical tool named JOSM.

We used official AIP charts as our reference for the elevations at certain points of the airport area and used cross section charts to create the actual slopes of each and every one of the 5 current runways - as much as we could, of course.

Nearly all buildings we could spot from publicly shared videos and photos have been modelled and placed as close to their actual coordinates as possible.

To install the LTFM (NATURAL) scenery, simply extract the "_LTFM_Istanbul_Intl_v2.0" folder from LTFM_NATURAL.zip file to the Custom Scenery folder .

BUT... If you do not copy provided Overlay and Ortho folders or create your own high ZL tile using the provided "patch" file and add them to your Custom Scenery folder, the outcome may not be so pleasant. Therefore, please carefully read and apply below instructions. Also, the "Runways Follow Terrain Contours" option MUST be "selected" in the General Settings tab otherwise the scenery will NOT be rendered as intended and you may have an unexpected FLAT or RAW outcome.

Installation for Ortho4XP users for NATURAL version:
I am sharing the Overlay files off of Alpilot's HD Mesh v4 (yOrtho4XP_Overlays.zip) and also the ZL14 Ortho4xp files for the region (zOrtho4XP_+41+028.zip). Just extract the folders contained in these 2 zip files to your Custom Scenery folder along with the _LTFM_Istanbul_Intl_v2.0 folder. Finally you should have 3 NEW folders:
zOrtho4XP_+41+028 and these should be added to your scenery_packs.ini file in similar order - see below example. There may be other items in between. Make sure that you do not already have ortho files for the mentioned tile and if so move them out to a safe place before you proceed copying these - just in case. You may need to remove any other LTFM scenery package(s) or DISABLE them in your scenery_packs.ini file.
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/_LTFM_Istanbul_Intl_v2.0/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+028/
For people who wants HIGH ZL Orthos:
You can also use the contained "patch" file to create your own high ZL orthos with Ortho4XP. For this, you need to copy the "Patches" folder to your Ortho4XP main folder and run Ortho4XP. The file location should look like this ...\Ortho4XP\Patches\+40+020\+41+028\LTFM.patch.osm

If you understood what I wrote above, you should be able to create a high ZL tile with Ortho4XP without a problem, otherwise watch some YT videos :)

LTFM Istanbul New Airport for X-Plane 11 v2.0 (11.30+)
Please read down below description for how to install the LTFM FLAT VERSION.

• There are 2 options to select from: A - FLAT and B - NATURAL

I will share 2 separate packages to avoid problems for those who does not care about slopes and tunnel entrances.
As the file names are self explanatory, I will ONLY explain installation details in depth for NATURAL version.
Select whichever you want. Both packages contain base ZL19 "airport" orthos.


Required libraries / plugins:
- BS2001 Objects Library
- CDB-Library
- TFS_Aircraft_Library
- The_Handy_Objects_Library
- MisterX_Library
- OpenSceneryX
- SAM_Library and Plugin (freeware)

If you do not already have the libraries used in this package, you may find download links in the Master Library
List: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=90776

After making sure you have all necessary libraries, proceed to INSTALLATION:

FLAT option is a FLATTENED version of the NATURAL scenery so there are no slopes and tunnel entrances or elevated terrain; it looks just like a dinner table. For this option you do not need to worry about "Runways follow terrain contours" setting as it will not have any affect. Simply copy the _LTFM_Istanbul_Intl_v2.0 folder from the LTFM_FLAT.zip file in your Custom Scenery folder and start X-Plane 11 and enjoy.

If you had previously installed my _LTFM_Istanbul_GWS110 NATURAL scenery along with it's overlay and ortho files you do not need to reinstall them, just unpack this new _LTFM_Istanbul_Intl_v2.0 folder and place it in your Custom scenery folder, re-arrange your scenery_packs.ini file and start your XP 11 but you still need above mentioned libraries and plugin.

• Installation is easy but you first need to download the base imagery files from our Google drive for a better immersion. The geotif files that I had used to create this imagery set were downloaded from GO2 using Ortho4XP and converted to MSFS format using various other freeware tools. After downloading the zip file, extract the contained "argaeus-tayakadin-ltfm-istanbul" folder to your Community folder like any other add-on for MSFS 2020. The file is just under of 1 GB in size (zipped) and here is the link to it:


• Without these files your scenery will be placed on 6 yr old forest imagery :)

• Obviously you need to extract the actual scenery folder (argaeus-ltfm-istanbul) that you downloaded from this site and place it to your Community folder and start your simulator.

• Installation LTFM scenery is the classic way for the FS2004,
• Copy the LTFM_FS9_v1/FS2004 folder to your Addon Scenery folder,
• Start your FS2004,
• Click on Scenery,
• Click on Add Area,
• Find and mark the LTFM_FS9_v1 folder by browsing your sceneries,
• Click OK - OK
• That's it.

• Both installations are the classic way for the P3D and FSX,
• Copy the LTFM_P3Dv4.5/FSX folder to your Addon Scenery folder,
• Start your p3dv4.5/FSX,
• Click on Scenery,
• Click on Add Area,
• Find and mark the LTFM_P3Dv4.5 or FSX folder by browsing your sceneries,
• Click OK - OK
• That's it,
• P3Dv4.5 compatible with GSX Level 2 and Dynamic Lighting.
• This scenery can be best viewed for the P3D and FSX if Orbx libraries and P3Dv4.5 SDK (Prepar3D v4 SDK is installed on your system.

• 3D People Library,
• BS2001 Object Library,
• FF Library,
• Flags of The World,
• MisterX Library,
• OpenSceneryX v3.2,
• RE Library V1,
• Ruscenery.

• BS2001 Object Library,
• FJS Scenery Library,
• MisterX Library,
• OpenSceneryX v3.2,
• NAPS library,
• SAM Library.

• BS2001 Object Library,
• FJS Scenery Library,
• World Models,
• Open Scenery X,
• Gt Library,
• The Handy Objects Library,
• RE Library V1,
• X Airport Scenery.

• THE-FAIB Aircraft Library,
• TFS Aircraft Library,
• Flags of the world,
• Flyby Planes,
• World-Models,
• Open Scenery X v3.0,
• R2 Library,
• RD Library,
• Download Autogate Plugin (Marginal) here
• Download librarys here

• Place the ''argaeus-ltfj-sabihagokcen'' folder contained in the zipped file into your ''Community'' folder and you are ready to fly from LTFJ Sabiha Gokcen Intl Airport.

We wish an enjoyable flight to all virtual pilot enthusiasts .
This service is owned and operated by Turkish Virtual Airlines.

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For all other scenery downloads, please sign in and go to 'Sceneries', under the 'Pilot Centre' !

ATIS Information

Daily Activity
On Air2
Avg. Quality Score  0
Flight Performances
This Month'
F.Hours914 hrs
F.Count603 flt.s
Since 2001'
F.Hours441,638 hrs
F.Count279,243 flt.s
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Assignments Status
97,72 %
Sim Types Rate
MSFS 33.73 %
XPlane 30.80 %
P3D 26.10 %
FSX 9.02 %
FS2004 0.36 %
As of 26 Aug 2019
Out of 89,226 Flights
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