Bilmeyen arkadaslar icin belirtmek isterim ki, Turkish Virtual Airlines olarak serverimiz Ingiltere de bulunmakta olup, 25.05.2018 tarihi itibari ile Avrupa birligi ulkeleri ve Ingiltere de dahil olmak uzere kisilerin gizlilik haklari ve bilgilerinin toplanmasi, saklanmasi ve kullanilmasina yonelik olmak ile birlikte bir cok yeni degisiklikler yarin (25.05.2018) itibari ile devreye girecek olup, bu degisiklikler Turkish virtual Airlines olarak bizide kapsadigindan ve server saglayicimizin bize kostugu ''EU's new data privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)'' kurallari geregi, server saglayicimiz butun bu kurallari Turkish Virtual Airlines olarak bize kabul ettirmis ve bizde kabul etmis bulunmaktayiz.
Bu sebepler ile Turkish Virtual Airlines olarak bizi de ilgilendiren ve websitemiz ve forumlarimiz uzerinde uyelerimizin kisisel bilgilerinin yer almasina ve email yada aciklama yolu ile bilgilendirilmelerine yonelik assagida genellendirilmis olan ''Terms of Use | Privacy Policy'' kurallarini 25.05.2018 itibari ile Turkish Virtual website ve Forumlarimiz uzerinden Id/Pid ve sifresini kullanarak giris yapmis her bir uye Turkish Virtual'in bu kurallarini kabul etmis sayilacaktir.
Assagida belirtilmis olan kurallari kabul etmeyen uyelerimiz Turkish Virtual yonetimine kontak kurarak uyeliklerinin sonlandirilmasini talep edebilirler.
Turkish Virtual Airlines • Terms of Use | Privacy Policy
EU's New General Data Protection Regulation GDPR 25/05/2018
• Turkish Virtual Airlines has updated its Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, effective May 25, 2018. These changes were made primarily in preparation for the EU's new data privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
• With these updates, Turkish Virtual Airlines reaffirms its commitment to safeguarding the personal data of our members, contacts, and anyone who visits our websites. Turkish Virtual and it's Forums have three core privacy principles: accountability through awareness, empowering individuals, and protecting and safeguarding information. We embrace privacy by design, which means our teams actively design and build features with privacy considered alongside innovation and functionality.
Here are some highlights of the changes we've made:
• We restructured our Privacy Policy to present three primary audience groups with the information that's most relevant to each. These groups are members (like yourself), your contacts, and website visitors. This policy will also inform these groups on how they can exercise their rights under the GDPR and control the use of their personal information through our services.
• If you, or your use of Turkish Virtual Airlines, are subject to EU data protection law (including the GDPR), we've updated your obligations when using Turkish Virtual Airlines to reflect the new requirements under the GDPR.
• We've reaffirmed Turkish Virtual Airlines commitment to the responsible collection, use, transfer, disclosure, and management of your personal information.
• We encourage you to take the time to review our revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. By continuing to use Turkish Virtual Airlines on or after May 25, 2018, you acknowledge our updated Privacy Policy and agree to our updated Terms of Use.
Thank you for using Turkish Virtual Airlines.
Turkish Virtual Administrators
• Please read these Terms carefully. By using Turkish Virtual or signing up for an account, you're agreeing to these Terms, which will result in a legal agreement between you and Turkish Virtual (''Agreement''). We'll start with the basics, including a few definitions that should help you understand these Terms. Turkish Virtual (''Turkish Virtual,'' ''we,'' or ''us'') is an online platform (the ''Service'') offered through the URL www. (we'll refer to it as the ''Website'') that allows you to, among other things, create, send, and manage certain campaigns, including, without limitation, emails, advertisements, and mailings (each a ''Campaign,'' and collectively, ''Campaigns'').
• These Terms of Use (''Terms,'' including our Acceptable Use Policy, API Guidelines, Copyright and Trademark Policy, and Brand Guidelines define the terms and conditions under which you're allowed to use the Service in accordance with the Agreement, and how we will treat your account while you're a Member. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must immediately discontinue your use of the Service.
• Turkish Virtual uses Google Maps to provide certain features of the Service, and, as a result, we are contractually obligated to make our Members aware of certain terms related to the use of such features. Therefore, you acknowledge and agree that by signing up for an account and using the Service, you are also bound by the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service (including the Google Privacy Policy).
If you have any questions about our Terms, feel free to contact us.
1. Eligibility
• In order to use the Service, you must;
• Be at least fifteen (15) years old;
• Complete the registration process;
• Agree to these Terms;
• Provide true, complete, and up-to-date contact information;
• By using the Service, you represent and warrant that you meet all the requirements listed above, and that you won't use the Service in a way that violates any laws or regulations. Note that by representing and warranting, you are making a legally enforceable promise.
Turkish Virtual may refuse service, close accounts of any users, and change eligibility requirements at any time.
• When you sign up for the Service and agree to these Terms, the Agreement between you and Turkish Virtual is formed, and the term of the Agreement (the ''Term'') will begin. The Term will continue for as long as you have a Turkish Virtual account or until you or we terminate the Agreement in accordance with these Terms, whichever happens first. Entering your username or pid and clicking the ''Login'' button and means that you've officially ''signed'' and accepted the Terms. If you sign up for the Service on behalf of a company or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to accept these Terms and enter into the Agreement on its behalf.
• You or Turkish Virtual may terminate the Agreement at any time and for any reason by terminating your Turkish Virtual account or giving notice to the other party. We may suspend the Service to you at any time, with or without cause.
• We may change any of the Terms by posting revised Terms of Use on our Website and/or by notifying you of the new Terms by sending an email to the last email address you gave us or displaying prominent notice within the Service. Unless you terminate your account within 10 days, the new Terms will be effective immediately and apply to any continued or new use of the Service. We may change the Website, the Service, Add-ons, or any features of the Service at any time, and we may discontinue the Website, the Service, Add-ons, or any features of the Service at any time.
• You're responsible for keeping your account name and password confidential. You're also responsible for any account that you have access to and any activity occurring in such account (other than activity that Turkish Virtual is directly responsible for that isn't performed in accordance with your instructions), whether or not you authorised that activity. You'll immediately notify us of any unauthorised access or use of your accounts. We're not responsible for any losses due to stolen or hacked passwords that are caused by or result from your negligence. We have access to your current password, and for security reasons, we may only provide you with instructions on how to reset your password.
• We don't know the inner workings of your organisation or the nature of your personal relationships. You won't request access to or information about an account that's not yours, and you'll resolve any account-related disputes directly with the other party. We decide who owns an account based on the content in that account, and if multiple people or entities are identified in the content, then we'll rely on the contact and profile information listed for that account. In cases where differing contact and profile information is present, we'll require you to resolve the matter through proper channels outside of Turkish Virtual Airlines.
When a dispute is identified, we may suspend any account associated with the dispute, including disabling login and sending capabilities, to protect the security and privacy of the data held within the account.
Turkish Virtual Airlines | Privacy Policy
Turkish Virtual offers their full range of services to all pilots subject to the pilot's acceptance of our Privacy Policy
• Turkish Virtual is committed to protecting your privacy and compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and its relevant subordinate legislation when handling any personal information.Subject to the provisions of this policy we will treat any information we obtain about you arising from your use of the Turkish Virtual website as confidential.
• Use by you of the Turkish Virtual website constitutes an acceptance of this policy which forms part of the use of the Turkish Virtual website.
•This Privacy Policy only extends to this website and does not extend to your use of, provision to and collection of any data on any website to which you may link by using the hypertext links within the Turkish Virtual website.
• We collect information when you use the Turkish Virtual website, when you register and log in, and when you respond to requests to submit personal information about yourself in order to collate data about our users which assists us in the future development of our website and services.
• When you visit our website we issue a cookie or unique code that allows us to identify your computer. A cookie is used to note the different areas of the services recently accessed through your computer - this can only be done in relation to this website service and not in relation to any other sites you visit. Information collected this way is used to ensure that our website is both interesting and relevant and to develop and manage our online services. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used.
• We will ensure that all personal information supplied is held securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and its relevant subordinate legislation and we will comply with the principles set out in that Act. When you supply any personal information to us we will meet our legal obligations towards you in the way that we deal with that information. In accordance with the data protection principles we have to collect the information fairly and to let you know how we will use it and whether we will pass the information on to anyone else. We DO NOT currently supply your personal information to third parties and WILL NOT do so except with your prior consent or where required by law. We will ensure that any information will be held only as long as is necessary to ensure that our service runs smoothly. We use up to date industry procedures to keep personal data safe and secure as possible and to protect against loss, unauthorized disclosure or access.
• Use of the website by visitors and members alike is solely at the risk of those who visit and use the site. We make no warranty or guarantee and we will assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any damage suffered by users, howsoever caused;Further, use of the TurkishVirtual Website is entirely at the risk of those who visit and use the website.
• No part of the Turkish Virtual Website, its contents, images, logos, designs, documents and other media content may be reproduced in any form or placed or uploaded elsewhere on or in any internet site or electronic or written media without the express permission of Turkish Virtual.
• We may edit this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any substantial change we will notify you by posting a prominent announcement on this page.
Copyright © 2001-2018 Turkish Virtual Airlines. SE280LH, Thamesmead. London/UK
You're receiving this because you're a registered Turkish Virtual Airlines user.
EU's New General Data Protection Regulation GDPR 25/05/2018
- THY3716
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- Joined: 26 Apr 2009, 00:33
- Name: Bahadir ALKES
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Yukarıdaki uzun yazının özeti şu, efendim ben ismimin sitede görünmesini istemiyorum, yok efendim benim emailimi siz database inizde tutamazsınız, gizliliğim şöyle önemlidir böyle şikayet ederim filan diyecek varsa bize hemen başvuruyor, biz de 10 saniye içerisinde gelmiş geçmiş ne kadar uçuşu bilgisi varsa siliyoruz ve arkadaşı mahrem hayatıyla beraber kışkışlıyoruz. Bu Avrupa Birliğinin böyle safsataları çoktur. Burası Türkiye kardeşim. Yemezler öyle. Bugüne kadar kimin ne bilgisini kötüye kullanmışız. 

Lead me, follow me or get out of my way !
- artuncs
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- Joined: 07 Jul 2009, 12:47
- Name: Erhan M. ARTUC
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- City: London
- Location: England
Bahadir uzun lafin kisasi demisTHY3716 wrote:Yukarıdaki uzun yazının özeti şu, efendim ben ismimin sitede görünmesini istemiyorum, yok efendim benim emailimi siz database inizde tutamazsınız, gizliliğim şöyle önemlidir böyle şikayet ederim filan diyecek varsa bize hemen başvuruyor, biz de 10 saniye içerisinde gelmiş geçmiş ne kadar uçuşu bilgisi varsa siliyoruz ve arkadaşı mahrem hayatıyla beraber kışkışlıyoruz. Bu Avrupa Birliğinin böyle safsataları çoktur. Burası Türkiye kardeşim. Yemezler öyle. Bugüne kadar kimin ne bilgisini kötüye kullanmışız.

Yani simdi arkadaslar hakikatten ozeltlemek gerekir ise burada biz eskiden oldugu gibi hem sizin bilgilerinizi guvence altinda tutmaya devam ederken, bu yeni gelen kurallar karsisinda da bir yandan kendimizi guvence altina almis oluyoruz. Isin acikcasi budur. Cunku bahsettigim gibi en basta, serverimizin Ingiltere'de olusu nedeni ile bize bu kurallarin cok daha fazlasi kabul ettirildi ve eger Turkish Virtual olarak bu kurallari koymamis ve bizde size kabul ettirmemis olursak, yarin cok nahos olaylar ile yuzyuze kalma durumu icinde olabiliriz.
Gercekten de su anda Avrupa ulkelerinde yasayan herkese hergun kaydi bulundugu sirketler yada bunlarin websiteleri araciligi ile onlarca email geliyor bu kurallari kabul edip yada etmek isteyip istemediklerine dair. Mesela konunun daha iyi anlasilmasi icin, ornegin siz Nike websitesine kayit olmussunuz ve bu siteden bildirimler almak istemissiniz ve size duzenli olarak yeni urunleri email ile gonderiyorlar, iste bu gece bu bildirilerin hepsi butun bu ulkelerde sifirlanacak ve artik size bir bildiri gelmeyecek. Ancak eger siz istiyorsaniz yeniden talepte bulunacaksiniz. Ama siz istiyorsaniz. Ve gene almak istemediginiz zaman ise bu gelen emaillerden tek tusla artik bildiri almak istemediginizi bildirebileceksiniz ve bu gelen emaillerde bu duzenlemenin bulunmasi artik sart hale getirildi. Bunlari yapmayan ve spam email olarak kabul ettigimiz ve kisilerin istegi disinda bu tur bildiriler gonderen sirketler icin cok agir para ve hapis cezalari butun bu ulkelerde yururluge girdi. Eskidende vardi ama simdi cok daha siki hale getirdiler. Aslinda aylardir sizlere bizden gelen emaillerde en altta eger istiyor iseniz artik bu bildirimleri almak istemediginizi yada gelen bildirileri duzenleyebileceginiz linkler mevcut. Eger istediginiz taktirde gelen bu emailler uzerinden artik bizden bildiri almak istemediginizi tek bir tikla engelleyebileceksiniz ve bizden bir daha hic bir email, checkride vs bildiri email'leri almayacaksiniz. Sistemimizi buna gore duzenledik.
Bir diger onemli gordugumuz konuda kisilerin isimlerini acik sekilde kullanamama durumu. Bildiginiz gibi Ivao yillar once bir dava nedeni ile vpilotlarin istedikleri taktirde isimlerinin gorunmemesi ve sadece Ivao Id lerinin gorunmesi yolunu uyeleri icin acmisti. Dileyen uyeler ucuslarinda kendilerini bu sekilde saklayabiliyorlar. Iste artik Vatsimde de bir donus var bu konuda. Su an icin herkes Vatsim kuralarini kabul ettigi icin bir sorun yok ama Vatsim'de bu konuda calismalar oldugunu biliyoruz. Ayni sekilde bizde de sorun olabilirdi. Bir kisi cikip ben ismimim anasayfada ucus listesinde gorunmesini istemiyorum diyebilir. Forum icin bu soylenmisti mesela gecmis zamanlarda. Dedik o zaman hesabini sil ve ayril forumdan. Cunku kurallarimiz var ve bu kurallarda uye, uye olurken otomatik olarak kabul etmis oluyor zaten. Iste bu yeni kurallarimiz bu tur talepleri ve bundan dogacak yasal yukumlulukleri bizim uzerimizden kaldiriyor. Yani biz simdi uyeye diyoruzki, eger istemiyorsan ve kabul etmiyorsan, bu yeni getirilen kurallar geregi soylersin, bizde sileriz hesabini ve bir daha gozukmez. Yada email almak istemiyorsan otomatik olarak kendin iptal edersin yada soylersin gondermeyiz. Yani aslinda burada bu yeni kurallar kisinin ismini anasayfaya koyamaz yada email gonderemezsin yani bunlari asla yapamazsin demiyor. Izin almadan yapamazsin diyor. Iste bizde bu yeni kurallarimiz ile bu izni almis oluyoruz. Vermek istemeyen, kabul etmiyorum diyenlerde elbette gurubumuzdan ayriliyor olacaklari nedeni ile bizi uzecektir ki ben boyle bir seyin hasil olacagini dusunmuyorum.
Herkesin Ingilizcesinin yeterli olmadigini ve bir cok kisinin yazilanlari anlamadigini biliyorum. Acikcasi Ingilizceden Turkceye ceviri konusunda cok berbatim. Hem birebir bu kurallari Turkce ifade etmek ve anlasilir bir sekilde anlatmak benim icin cok zor olacakti cunku Ingilizce yer alan bir yazida hayir dediginiz bir maddeye Turkcede yanlislikla evet denilebilir bire bir tercume zorlugu nedeni ile ve bu da sorunlara yol acabilir. Bu yuzden Ingilizce kalmasinda fayda gorduk.
Sanirim bu sekilde konu daha iyi anlasilmistir. Topic, konunun burada dallanip budaklanmamasi icin tarafimdan kilitlenmistir. Ama isterseniz baska topicler uzerinden bu konu ile alakali soylemlerinizi istediginiz gibi soyleyebilirsiniz. Yada bize email ile kontak kurabilirsiniz.
Erhan M. Artuc