Helicopter flights...soon...

Heli Division is a website/FDR dedicated to helicopter flight simulation, ran by fans. Our goal is to provide great content for those that are both new and veterans in the helicopter flight simulation community.
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Joined: 26 Apr 2009, 00:33
Name: Bahadir ALKES
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City: Istanbul
Location: Turkey

- Are you tired of flying state of art aircraft ?
- Are you bored with autopilots ?
- Don't you ever dream of landing on any flat and open areas on the earth rather than always-the-same concrete runways ?
- Do you like to get thrilled on the very last phase of your flight ?
- How would you feel if you damage your aircraft, the aircraft goes to maintenance for a few days, you go to hospital for a few days, neither you nor the aircraft is no more allowed to fly ?

Turkish Virtual Helicopter Division...

Soon :)
Lead me, follow me or get out of my way !
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Name: Yalcin KESER
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Waaaaawwwwww :clap: :clap: :clap:
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